004 - Quick Start Edit Page


Distributed Analysis Scheme

What is the “Distributed Analysis Scheme”? Here is a talk by Xin.

Common Tools for new comers

Here is a nice talk given by Suyu.

MarkDown Syntax

How to write the MarkDown page like in this web? One can check here.


Just need to set the following in the page:

use_math: true 

the the following LaTeX code

\kappa=\frac{\int D(E) \phi(E) d E}{95 M e V m b \cdot \Phi}=\frac{\Phi_{e q}}{\Phi}

will generate:

\[\kappa=\frac{\int D(E) \phi(E) d E}{95 M e V m b \cdot \Phi}=\frac{\Phi_{e q}}{\Phi}\]

this one

Calculate the induced current on the targeted electrode: $$i(t) = \vec{E_w}(\vec{x}) \cdot \vec{v}(\vec{x},t) \cdot q$$

will generate:

Calculate the induced current on the targeted electrode: \(i(t) = \vec{E_w}(\vec{x}) \cdot \vec{v}(\vec{x},t) \cdot q\)