303 - VS Code Edit Page
General Info
We recommend team members to use VSCode for major programing tasks.
Source code development at: https://github.com/Microsoft/vscode
Remote Edit
- Server side configuration
On remote Linux server:
- Make sure your $PATH include your $HOME/local/bin:
Add this line in your $HOME/.bashrc file:
export PATH=$HOME/local/bin:$PATH
- Download rmate and change to rcode:
$ cd $HOME/local/bin $ wget https://raw.github.com/aurora/rmate/master/rmate $ mv rmate rcode $ chmod u+x rcode
- Local side configuration
Install remote-vscode: In the Extensions, search “Remote VSCode” and install. You may need to restart the VSCode after intall
Start the remote server: [Mac] “Shift+cmd+p” > Remote: Start Server [Windows/Linux] “Shift + Ctrl + p” > Remote: Start Server
[Windows] install OpenSSH: Install OpenSSH Set Path : C:\Program Files\OpenSSH\bin (depend on your install path)
Config local ssh RemoteForward: [Mac] ~/.ssh/config [Windows] C:\Users\username.ssh\config
Host myRemoteServerName RemoteForward <my-port-number> localhost:52698
Remote Open files
After above settings, you can do the remote edit.
Use any terminal which can do the ssh, (here we recommend you use the integrated terminal in VSCode, by typing Ctrl + ` on both Mac and Windows.
$ ssh user@remote.org
[Windows7/Linux] $ssh -R <my-port-number>:localhost:52698 user@example.org
$ rcode -p <my-port-number> example_program(you can change port number to be yourself number in $HOME/local/bin/rcode, if you want to use command "rcode example_program" to open a file)
This should open this example_program file on your local VSCode.
Resolving conflict for multiple users
Conflict port number 1:
Note: Different people need to set a different
- CEPCVTX.ihep.ac.cn
Name | Port Number |
JING, Maoqiang | 52689 |
YANG Tao | 52691/54321/12345 |
SHI Xin | 52699 |
KONG Lingteng | 56666 |
ZENG Hao | 55555 |
- lxslc.ihep.ac.cn
Name | Port Number |
SHI Xin | 52699 |
XIAO Suyu | 55555 |
YANG Yuzhen | 52600 |
XIAO Suyu-Mac | 55556 |
Yang Tao | 54321 |
Amit Pathak | 52700 |
Tan Yuhang | 59637 |
ssh -Y -R xxxxx: username@lxslc6.ihep.ac.cn
Solve the conflict: In mac:
$ vi ~/.ssh/config
Change the last line as(if for Yuzhen):
RemoteForward 52600
In home of lxslc.ihep.ac.cn
$ vi ~/local/bin/rcode
Change the port info as(if for Yuzhen):
default configurationhost=localhost
VSCode in terminal
[Mac] Cmd+shift+p: > Shell Command: Install code in PATH
PDF Plugin
To preview pdf file, install extension vscode-pdf in Vscode.
Then open the pdf with code (or rcode) from terminal.
File EOL
Solution : /usr/bin/env: ‘python\r’: No such file or directory
VScode for Chinese version: 文件->首选项->设置->文件 Change ‘‘file.eol’’ : ‘‘\r\n’’ -> ‘‘file.eol’’ : ‘‘\n’’
Run VSCode in Docker
Install Docker fisrt: https://www.docker.com/get-started
Then, running a Linux image in a container. If you do not have one, you can try
$ docker pull debian
to get a debian image for docker.
Running this image in a container:
$ docker run -it -e DISPLAY=host.docker.internal:0.0 debian (for Windows CMD)
$ docker run -it -e DISPLAY=$DISPLAY -v /tmp/.X11-unix/:/tmp/.X11-unix debian (for Linux)
“DISPLAY=” sets the GUI, “debian” is the image I run here, you can substitute it with yours.
( For the debian image above we need to install some tools like wget and gpg, at first you are in root mode without the other users:
$ apt update
$ apt install wget
$ apt install gpg
$ apt install x-window-system-core
$ apt install libasound2
Next step, install VSCode in the container: https://code.visualstudio.com/docs/setup/linux
Windows will need a software to receive the GUI, before you open the GUI you should run this on your Windows fisrt: vcxsrv https://sourceforge.net/projects/vcxsrv/
Then, start VSCode in the container:
$ code (normal user mode)
$ code --user-data-dir (if you are in root mode)
Actually, It can be applied to all the software with GUI. The key point is to find the DISPLAY=? to use X11.