Suyu gave a brief introduction on Combined estimation for multi-measurements of branching ratio. Starting with a simple example psip->eta+J/psi, eta reconstructed by 2 gamma, J/psi reconstructed by e+e- or mu+mu-, a method is shown about how to combine these 2 branching ratios. And also individual observed spectra as function of a same or different kinematic variables is given. Only for binning case.

Then Ryuta gave a special topic on Some tips regarding the CMOS circuit, including introduction on 2/3/4T, reason for PMOS transistor and pixel size.

Minutes for today’s JC:

Q. What does the toy Monte Carlo mean ? A. MC with toy models which has simple (or in other words, only mechanism) form, and sometimes covers the wider parameter spaces than the reality.

Q. What is the role of the PMOS in the APS ? It might be that the circuit including only NMOS can be also called as CMOS, as if it utilizes the PMOS.