First,Ryuta introduced the search for CP violation in Neutrino and Antineutrino Oscillations by the T2K experiment. Next, he answered other’s questions.
Kai: Mass ordering is important parameter in CP violating phase determination, and in the paper, they indeed considered two assumptions on the mass orderings, normal ordering, inverted ordering. But why they only report results of normal ordering in the abstract, do you know the reason?
Answer: Actually, I do not know…As pointed out, the derived values for both normal/inverted ordering are described in the contents/conclusion
Yuzhen: Why the author can get sin2(ϴ23) and ∆(m32)2 from the observed number of e neutrino and anti-e neutrino?
Answer: “Fits to determine either one or two of the oscillation parameters are performed, while the other parameters are marginalized”.Sinθ13 is fixed for this fitting, though I could clearly confirm that the δCP is fixed, (or less effect ?)
Xin: At the end of paper, it says: “Sensitivity studies show that, if the true value of δCP is −π/2 and the mass ordering is normal, 22% of simulated experiments exclude δCP = 0 and π at 2σ C.L.”. How to extract the 22% value? And why use 2-sigma C.L. ?
Answer: This sentence is not clear for me, especially what parameters they changed in the simulation and/or they want to express that there exists systematic terms not well implemented ?
Yuhang: In fig 2. Ratios to the predictions under the no oscillation hypothesis are shown in the bottom figures. How to understand the ratio?
Answer: υμ/anti-υμ disappears due to the oscillation(υμ flavor is mainly changed to υτ ).The energy of υμ is about 600MeV, therefore, it would be rare to create τ from υτ.
Shan: What’s the “2p-2h” model, also the 1p-1h, ∆-like 2p-2h and non-∆-like 2p-2h ?
Answer: “2p-2h” model is the scattering of W boson with two nuclei.Model to consider the interaction of W boson with the nuclei in higher order.
Amit: What is the meaning for delta-Like and Non-Delta Like?
Answer: Difference is the model of those reactions . ( though I do not cover them well )
Finally,Xin introduced a new software-GanttProject. This software may improve capable to deal with management complexity.