First,Yuzhen introduced Low Gain Avalanche Detectors (LGAD) for particle physics and synchrotron applications. The main content included LGAD Concept,LGAD Simulation and Device Characterisation.Next,Yuzhen answered some questions.
Kai:From Figure 6, we indeed could get the conclusion that the breakdown voltage increased obviously with the JTE. But for me, the difference between simulation and measurement for cases with JTE (orange, and green lines) is about 200V, seems not that small, why they say: The fabricated results show reasonable agreement with simulation for the breakdown voltage. what kind of difference could be called unreasonable?
Amit:What is the meaning of Qeffective? Is these any relation between Qeffective and Gain?
Kiuchi: Could you explain the relationship between the Gain and the doping density or the electric field ? From this point of view, how we can very roughly understand the Fig4.and Fig.10 ?
Xin:On Fig. 5, are there any reason for the electrical peak near 35um?
Suyu:What’s the noise floor? Is it just a threshold?
Yuhang:In page1.How to detect low energy X-rays with hybrid pixel?
Shan:Can you explain “gain” in this paper? What does its level mean? Answer:the ratio of output to input signal.
Next,Amit introduce Hardware under BESIII detecter . The main content contained Drift Chamber, Time of Flight, Electromagnetic Calorimeter,Muon Chamber and Superconducting Magnet. Finally,Ryuta introduced the motivation about next JC paper.