First,Ryuta introduced Measurement of the Negative Muon Anomalous Magnetic Moment to 0.7 ppm. Next,Ryuta answered some questions.
Kai:Why they use values of proton in this analysis, such as NMR frequency ¥omega_{p}, and the magnetic moment in ¥lambda Anwser: wp is related to the measurement of B-field, which is measured/calibrated by NMR using proton
Amit:Why is the filed focusing index n is so important? because by changing it’s value, also reduced the correlation between the CBO and detector gain effects in the fits to the time spectrum.
Kiuchi: Could you explain the relationship between the Gain and the doping density or the electric field ? From this point of view, how we can very roughly understand the Fig4.and Fig.10 ?
Xin:The dependence of !a on the electric field is eliminated by storing muons with the ‘‘magic’’ gamma? Why this gamma is “magic”? Answer:Precisely determine w & B is essential ! but, the systematics are considered since the beam momentum has distribution
Yuhang:In Fig.2.What is the meaning of using high-n and low-n?
Shan:How to determine the initial value of the N0,A and phi_a in Equation 2 ? Answer:This represent the modulation. It is explained that the fitting is done by 5 free parameters
Next,Suyu introduce TOF sub-detector.Finally,Suyu introduced the motivation about next JC paper.