First,Suyu introduced Beam test results of a 16ps timing system based on ultra-fast silicon detector. The main content included introduction,Properties of thin UFSD and Beam test results.Next,Suyu answered some questions.
Amit:What is the meaning of Constant Fraction Algorithm/Constant Fraction Discriminator(CFD)? Can you explain the Fig. 7 because I read in the paper it is somehow related with CFD? Answer:Take sigma as time resolution.
Kiuchi: Description of the event selection (left bottom of p4) briefly explains that “To eliminate the contributions from non-gain events, the time of the pulse maximum has to fall into a window of 1ns. “ Answer:Do you know/find distribution of “the time of the pulse maximum” from the other references ? ( Apart from this specific question, I somtimes wonder how we can effectively separate these two kinds of signals,one which passes trough the multiplication layer, and the other one )
Xin:In the last section, it says 3 planes of UFSD sensors reaches the expected performance improvement given by multiple measurements, i.e. the resolution improves like 1/sqrt(N). Could you explain why?
Yuzhen:In Fig.6, the Landau MPV and Gauss Sigma increase as the gain (or bias voltage) increase, but why does not the Landau Sigma increase with gain (or bias voltage) ?
Yuhang:What is the main reason for UFSD to achieve better time resolution than TOF? Material? Structure? Answer: Much closer to interaction point. And I think semi-conductor can behave better than PTM.
Shan:Can you briefly introduce “multiple sampling techniques”? Answer: main.pdf?_tid=9d1b7697-93f9-4f71-9fa3- 232ec6f28cf4 acdnat=1545975846_037f7cc20cfc9ca48b295472f0f16cbe for more information.
Next,Yuzhen introduce Alice ITS HIC production at PLAC (Pixel Lab At CCNU) . The main content contained Alice ITS Upgrade, Alice ITS Production, Alice ITS HIC production tips. Finally,Yuzhen introduced the motivation about next JC paper.