The JC-136 paper introduces the usage, advantages of TRACS and some theory of the simulation. TRACS is a multi-threading software based on the Shockley-Ramo’s theorem to simulate non-irradiated and irradiated silicon micro-strips and pad detectors of complex geometries. It helps understand signal formation and charge collection efficiencies of arbitrary charge distributions.

  • Describe the state of art where TRACS is framed.
  • Describe the scope and operation modes of the software.
  • Explain the theoretical background of TRACS, mainly based on Shockley–Ramo’s theorem for the calculation of the induced current.
  • Numerical methods used to approximate the differential equations are explained and related with the code.
  • Introduce multithreading computation in TRACS.
  • Contain a comparison of TRACS to measured data.