Charge collection efficiency study on neutron-irradiated planar silicon carbide diodes via UV-TCT
The high flux neutron irradiation has an impact on the charge collection efficiency(CCE) of SiC detectors.In this article,measurements were conducted on planar p-on-n diodes,which were manufactured on 4H−SiC wafers and were provided by CNM (Barcelona) .The total thickness of the wafers was 400 μm, including a 45–50 μm thick n-doped epitaxial active layer. The full depletion voltage was determined to be at 296 V via CV-measurements.The 4H−SiC pad sensors were placed in the dry irradiation channels, under neutron fluences of 5e14,1e15,5e15 and 1e16.The irradiated samples were subjected to I-V tests and UV-TCT (370nm) at room temperature.The results show that the leakage currents remained very low (below 14 nA) for all irradiation fluences at room temperature.Regarding the CCE, we observed a performance degradation worsening with increasing irradiation fluence,although the CCE could be partially compensated by the high applied voltage.While CCE was considered sufficient after lower irradiation fluences(<1e15neq∕cm2),it decreased drastically above.At the highest fluence of 1e16, no signals could be detected, possibly due the active layer becoming intrinsic, which is supported by the IV-characteristics of the samples.
Further reading:P. Gaggl,T.Bergauer,M.Göbel et al.,”Charge collection efficiency study on neutron-irradiated planar silicon carbide diodes via UV-TCT,” Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment,Volume 1040,2022,167218,doi:10.1016/j.nima.2022.167218
延伸阅读:P. Gaggl,T.Bergauer,M.Göbel et al.,”Charge collection efficiency study on neutron-irradiated planar silicon carbide diodes via UV-TCT,” Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment,Volume 1040,2022,167218,doi:10.1016/j.nima.2022.167218